3. Task Force MEETING Communications + PR
The third meeting of the “Taskforce communications & public relations (TACO)“ of BIOTECH AUSTRIA will take place online on
10 November, 4.30 – 6.30 pm
In our third meeting, Dr. Georg Kääb, managing editor at transkript magazine, will introduce transkript and European Biotechnology News and his work as a biotech journalist. The second part of the meeting will comprise a training session on ‘How to Social Media’.
- Welcome and update from board of BIOTECH AUSTRIA
- Update on communication activities by Brandenstein Communications
- ‘Introducing transkript and European Biotechnology News’ by Georg Kääb, editor-in-chief
- ‘How to Social Media’: Getting Started with Social Media, Dos & Don’ts, Strategies
- Wrap-up and outlook
We kindly ask you to register for that meeting by 8 November!
Members of BIOTECH AUSTRIA only: CEOs, CFOs, PR managers and all employees who are responsible for external communications for the member companies of BIOTECH AUSTRIA are invited to participate in this meeting.