
LISAvienna Business Treff: Life science funding opportunities – in cooperation with BIOTECH AUSTRIA



You had the chance to learn more about funding programs available at Austria Wirtschaftsservice (aws) – the promotional bank of the Austrian federal government – as well as at the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and at the Vienna Business Agency. Furthermore you had the opportunity to meet funding experts, get individual advice and grow your life science network in Vienna

To learn more about additional ViennaUP’22 events, go to https://viennaup.com/



6:00 p.m. Registration, welcome drinks, and snacks

6:30 p.m. LISAvienna
Welcome and opening remarks
Johannes Sarx and Philipp Hainzl, Managing Directors

6:40 p.m. aws – Austria Wirtschaftsservice
The promotional bank of the Austrian federal government
Elvira Kainersdorfer, Program Manager Life Science Austria

6:50 p.m. FFG – Austrian Research Promotion Agency
The national funding agency for industrial research and development
Corinna Wilken, Life Science Expert

7:00 p.m. Vienna Business Agency
The first point of contact for Viennese companies, international corporations, and start-ups
Matthias Heilbrunner, Program Manager R&D Funding

7:10 p.m. Biotech Austria
The first specific branch association for the biotechnology industry in Austria
Peter Llewellyn-Davies, Chairman

7:20 p.m. Regional Innovation Hub EIT Health Austria
Your gateway to the largest innovation network for health technology in Europe
Dirk Holste, Managing Director ad interim

7:35 p.m. Networking and flying buffet
Funding experts are available to answer your questions

9:30 p.m. End